How Megaworld Corporation maintains its positive image

Megaworld Corporation has successfully maintained a positive image both in traditional and online media. Even with a lot of complaints and issues with its projects, Megaworld Corporation has somehow avoided staying in negative light.

How are they able to do this? Based on our sources,Megaworld corporation has a big budget for PR, yes press relations. It has a network of traditional and online media channels under their payroll.

Last July 11, 2014, we received a Google alerts notification about an article online, with the keyword “megaworld”, that links to an article that reads, “Condo developer fails to deliver on ‘promises'”.

When I went to the link, Philippine Daily Inquirer has taken down the article. Fortunately, someone was able to screenshot it and share it on Twitter.

Here’s a bigger copy of the article:

With the bloggers, they send out invites to all bloggers and request to “write a post in your blog regarding the event.” Although it has now become an industry practice to solicit articles and blog post, Megaworld Corporation is doing it in overdrive.
The next time you read a positive article about Megaworld Corporation, take it with a grain of salt: it’s probably a paid posting.
– Harold G.

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